Make: Mazda
Model: MX5 Mk1 (NA) (1989-1998) 2-door (1989-present)
Roll cage number Z026. 6 point bolt-in race cage. Not suitable for road use – hood does not fit. Comes with roof diagonal, single rear diagonal, harness bar and V-brace in main hoop. Unique NASCAR style single door bars.  Designed to mount to OEM B-post structure which should not be modified in any way. All the various components are available from the drop down menu system including the front section, rear section and door bars. Please choose through the options and select the roll cage components which match your requirements.
The basic price stated is the for most in-expensive element of the roll cage available, please use the drop down menus to customise your cage and requirements for the total price
Front options:
- Â Â RBZ026 3SSU – Front roll cage for unique NASCAR style single door bars.
Must be used with the rear cage.
Rear options:
- Â Â RBZ026 5SSU – Rear cage, single fixed diagonal, B-post V-brace, harness bar.
May be used with the front cage.
Door Bar options:
- Â Â RBZ026 DSUN – Unique single NASCAR style door bar, near side (left hand side).
Must be used with a front and rear cage.
- Â Â RBZ026 DSUO – Unique single NASCAR style door bar, off side (right hand side).
Must be used with a front and rear cage.
Technical Specification:
 Finished roll cage provided with black powdercoat paint finish unless specified otherwise. Other colours available: grey, charcoal grey, silver, white and red. Roll cage can be provided unpainted by special request.